Start an athletic career with AGRSports Paintball League
This is the ideal league, for people 16 years who have seen sports paintball only in the YouTube, who do not have their own equipment, but have a desire!
Start an athletic career with AGRSports Paintball League
This is the ideal league, for people 16 years who have seen sports paintball only in the YouTube, who do not have their own equipment, but have a desire!
We know about your fear only from the words "paintball competition"! We know that the fear of inequality over experienced players scares most people who want to try themselves in sports paintball. For 11 years we constantly suggest that amateurs try themselves in sports and in almost all cases we heard "There are only professionals and we have nothing to do there."
They are right, a non-trained person will not deftly feel himself even with a player who played a pair of three tournaments of any level. In this league we made two divisions D4 and D3.
D4 - division in which they play only mechanical markers. It is designed for players who either play for the first time in the tournament, who only played in rentals, or even never held a marker in their hands. It is forbidden to play players from tactical tournaments, with D3, players who at least once participated in the Cup of Ukraine in any division, even if it was 20 years ago)) We know all))
If players do not have equipment, then we give everything for free. This is an ideal division to try yourself in sports without the cost of equipment with equal players and feel the dynamics and excitement of sports paintball.
D3 - division in which they play with their own electronic markers (rate of fire up to 10.5 balls per second). It is forbidden to play more than one player from the Cup of Ukraine of any division.
After the season in D3 you will be able to feel more confident in tournaments of a higher level.
Sports paintball is a special atmosphere that can become a part of your new interesting life. After all, with paintball you get acquainted with new successful people, travel and get those emotions that will always be with you! Living paintball in your team will have no boundaries, there are a lot of interesting tournaments around the World in which you can test yourself!
Do not think, do not doubt, just take it and try it! Adrenaline and emotion will further prompt how to be!
See you on the field, future winner!
The dates of the 2018 stages. Dnipro, Naberegna Zavodska 53 st. PC"Agressor" (Novokodatsky Park):
First - May 12, 2018 (Saturday)
Second - June 17, 2018 (Sunday)
The third - July 21, 2018 (Saturday)
Fourth - September 22, 2018 (Saturday)
Date: 05/12/2018 (Saturday)
Address: Dnipro, Naberegna Zavodska 53 st. PC"Agressor" (Novokodatsky Park):
Games start: 9:00 am
Format: X-ball triples (three players + 2 spare)
D3 - 8 minutes of playing time or up to 3 points.
D4 - 6 minutes of playing time or up to 2 points.
Entrance fee from the team:
1st stage for the team
D3 - 1000 UAH.
D4 - 750 UAH.
Next steps
D3 - 1500 UAH.
D4 - 1000 UAH.
Balls: 30-35 $ / 2000pcs.
Limit of 20 to 24 teams for both divisions (this information will be adjusted as you register)
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